Jackson Parish Road Priority List - 2021

Every three years, the Police Jury adopts a Capital Improvements Policy.  This policy sets the criteria and ratings systems that will determine priority rankings for all five classifications of Jackson Parish Roads (blacktop major, blacktop minor, overlay, oil, and gravel).  A designee will review all roads in the Parish Road System according to the policy and determine a rating based on the pre-determined criteria.  From that ranking, the annual road program is developed and presented to the Police Jury for adoption. 

In addition to these lists, the Road Department will also perform asphalt maintenance on the roads that are smaller-scale.  This schedule will also follow the priority lists determined by the Capital Improvements Policy.

The funding for these programs comes primarily from a combination of ad valorem taxes, State Transportation Act funds, and a sales tax.

The Capital Improvements Policy, current Three-Year Road Program, and priority lists are detailed below.